Happy Mother's Day Mama and Glaiza

Some call her Mom or Mommy. Here in the Philippines, we call her Mama or Nanay or Inay. Some call them by their first name. (really!)

Whatever we call them, they're still our MOTHERS! And tomorrow is their Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the hardworking, the loving, the beautiful, the thinking, the caring, the disciplinarian, the compassionate Mothers in the whole world!

I've written several posts in the past about my Mother and how I am grateful and thankful to God for having a mother like her. Check out: Thank You Lord for the Gift of Mothers and Mary: a Blessed Mother Happy Mother's Day.
Today I thought of just listing some great Mother's Day quotes as I'm sure I'd say the same thing. But then I realized "Is Mother's day really just a tradition that we do for the sake of it?". Isn't Mother's day a day in a year to honor the Mothers for all their hardwork and sacrifices? Are two blog posts really just enough? 
Today I choose to be true and real rather than conventional!
Thank you! I can't thank you enough, as in! It's so true, you were and still are instrumental to whoever I am today. Do you remember the very first time I tried to ride on an elevator? Even though we'd looked like fools yet you still went up and down with me (1st floor then to 3rd then to 2nd then to 5th then finally to 4th) pretending you didn't know where to go. Just for me to really experience the first time ride: I greatly appreciate it!
Now that I've started experiencing things on my own, I want you to be with me the whole time! First was Hongkong, now Singapore, we never know where the next destination will be. Let's just wait and see. My only prayer as you celebrate this day is that you never forget that we your children will always be here for you. No matter what! We love you. We respect you. We honor you. "Bahala'g matigulang na ka. Promise!"

I send my greetings as well to my very beautiful younger sister Glaiza who is the mother of my beautiful niece, Yafit!


You are an amazing woman! I know you've went through a lot and things somewhat didn't turn out as planned. But please know this, there's no accident before the Lord. Everything is according to God's plan. He knows what He's doing. Just trust him. I'm sure He's up to something good. I'm proud of you, Glai. Proud to the max! I wish you strength and courage to go on. You can DO it! Just continue to be Happy, Healthy and Honest with me and the family. I'm your Kuya and I will be here for you always. Yes, always. I will do my best and give my best to try to make you happy always. If there's any problem, tell me. I'll protect you with my life and with my everything. I love you more than you can imagine.

Happy Mother's Day to you Both! Much LOVE LOVE LOVE!
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