Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
July 16, 2009 marks the 40th anniversary of the success of the Apollo 11's Mission to land in the Moon. At that time nobody thought that that's possible. It would seem to be an insane and crazy thought. But President John F. Kennedy didn't allow these things to stop him from reaching his goal.
He said on May 25, 1961:
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."
9 years later, Apollo 11 succesfully returned to earth from Moon on July 16, 1969. Now that's amazing!
I have been checking on the latest blog posts in google and I came across this post from http://www.webinknow.com/ entitled: We choose to go to the moon: What marketers can learn from Apollo.
He had listed three points that surely gave a big hit on me:
1. Set a really BIG Goal
2. Challenge conventional Wisdom
3. It takes teamwork
You may go to his post and read how he explained these points in a "marketer's" perspective.
On this post, I'd try to explain it with my humbler Christian's perspective.
-- In Proverbs 29:18, the wisest man said "When there's no vision, the people perish.". And that's very true! Ask any businessman or any succesful man you know how they become who they are right now. I'm sure the unanimous answer will be: "It started with a dream, an idea, a VISION!" Without a person dreaming, nothing will happen. Without a person believing for anything, nothing will happen. Man must first believe and dream! And this is not one of those dreams that you only dream at night and feel good about them when you wake up, these are the dreams and faith and visions that push man to work and do something about them. Visions after all will be empty without action.
-- Also, focus on "BIG GOAL". When you dream, don't dream for things that are easily reachable. Dream for things that you're incapable of achieveing, things that would seem impossible for you, things that are REALLY BIG that it overwhelms you. This way, you'll trust in GOD and will allow HIM to work through YOU for these dreams to happen. Surely, your faith will increase and your relationship with him will be more closer!
2. Challenge Conventional Wisdom
-- When people say it's Impossible, you say "I can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!". When people say you'll fail, you say "We are more than Conquerors in Christ". When people say you don't have enough knowledge to do it, you say "We have the mind of Christ!"
Now we are not dependent on what other people would say, we depend on what God through His Word say. Prov. 29:18 says "but blessed is he who keeps the law." It is when we keep the law, that we'll know the "what" and the "how" to achieve the dream.
3. It takes TEAMWORK
-- Work with your brothers and friends. Pray about your dream. Pray about your vision and continue seek God's Will. Let's all remember, "It's not good for man to be alone."
What are your visions or dreams lately? What are the challenges you're going through in achieving them? To whom have you shared this vision?
Most importantly, have you constantly prayed about it?
God Bless you!