Matthew 18:19-20 19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."
As you all may know, any of you can send me Prayer Requests through my email add at yourdailyword@gmail.com with a subject line: PRAYER REQUEST.
Truly enough, a lot of people from different places have sent in their Prayer Requests and how glad I am to pray for each one. I in fact send the prayer requests to our intercessory team from our church so more people will pray and intercede. I'm still waiting though for testimonies of answered prayers. I'm sure a lot will come as well.
For now, here's my request for each one of you. Let's all intercede and say a little prayer for the following people. These people have sent their requests and isn't it blessed to pray for somebody whom you don't even know and who can be in the other side of the world right now? SO if you're with me, continue reading some prayer requests my readers have sent me and pray for them.
1. "innu"
I am reading all Word of God that u r sending me , Thank you for that favour..
I want u r help in praying for my family ,,
my mom is not keeping well,
my dad is worried too much of financial lackings
my bro is worried of his future
my sis finds difficult to study
and for myself i fell very burdened
so please dear pray for the needy like me one among many................
2. "DB"
I ask you to pray for my daughter's healing, comfort and safety.
Thank you.
3. "WS"
Please pray for my husband to find a job sooner.
Thank you.
4. "Thomas"
I'm sure you get a lot of prayer requests so I will try to keep this as short as possible.
A year and a half ago a friend and I started TexLa Software, L.L.C., a software company committed to Horizontal Directional Drilling software. We came up with our first product, the H D Pro Calc. and have worked on it intensely over the last year. We have received some very good feedback on it from a contractor who is helping us with the design but we have yet to sell a copy. My partner and I both had full time jobs when we started the company and done everything at our own costs. In January my partner lost his job and decided to commit all of his time to the company to complete the project so that we could finally get some sales. Well, it's been six months. I am about to lose my job and because of drastic cuts in our hours I can't pay my bills. We are in a downward spiral right now. Our last true hope at the moment is that Christ will finally bring our company up and help us to produce some sort of cash flow.
All in all, I typed into google the phrase "is god the key to success" and came across your blog and I saw that you take prayer request and I would like for you to pray for our business and our financial situations. I am personally at my wits end and don't know how much longer we will be able to hold on.
Thank you very much for your prayer,
5. "Felix"
Hi to you brother,
Good day to you and I hope you are in a good condition upon reading this email. I'm here to ask you for a prayer request for my success in blogging business. I hope that the Lord will hear our prayers for the success of His children
6. "Sarah"
just found your blog through Sharon Faith and would like to ask for prayer. I have just finished writing my story, In the Eye of Deception and now seeking to publish.. Can you pray that God will lead me to the right publisher. I know He will. I believe He led me to write. I also need courage to move forward with this and be able to speak about what happened. Thank you. Sarah
May you all lift up these prayer requests of our brothers and sisters. My God Bless in what you do.
The names are kept confidential.
Published by Your Daily Word