The LORD will make you the head, not the tail. You will always be at the top, never at the bottom, if you faithfully obey the commands of the LORD your God that I am giving you today.
Deut. 28:13
Deut. 28:13
The verse above is a PROMISE by the Lord God himself. As I've always mentioned, this promise will remain to be a promise unless we live it and believe it.
I believed it! In fact, I constantly am declaring it! Yes, Lord! I'll be at the TOP and of course always through Christ Jesus only.
I'd like to testify on the goodness of the Lord as far this site is concern. Just recently, I got PageRank 2 from Google for just 2 months of blogging. I'm not sure if that is something I should be proud of but one thing for sure I am thankful.Thank You Lord!
I want to also thank the Lord for constantly increasing my Alexa Rank day after day. When I joined Alexa, this site was at 6 million ++ rank and now, as of this writing this site is now 347,218. Wow! That means out of million blogs out ther

In BlogCatalog, where I am a member I have a rank of 65.6. I'm not sure how they rank sites but I'm still really thankful because this site is above half of all the thousand blogger-members there.
As you can see in the uploaded pic, the site is #2 in Christian Topsites, #2 in Christian Blogs, #1 in TOP.ORG, and #1 in TOP Blogs. That's what "we'll be at the TOP" really means. This is not to boast but this is to praise the Lord even more! I may not stay on those ranks forever, but I praise the Lord for putting me there. It was only through Him and For him alone forevermore!
Why don't you share some good testimonies? How have God been blessing you lately? If you haven't been declaring this promise yet, start now and expect great things to happen in your Life. Not just in the blogging world but most importantly in your own personal life.