The Lord's Prayer Explained

I was reading posts from other Christian blogs/sites as I usually do and I bumped into this one post that surely struck me. It's a post from Look to the Lord. I'm sure all of us especially our Roman Catholic friends know The Lord's Prayer. This is the prayer the Lord Jesus Christ gave when the disciples asked him to teach them how to pray. The story is written here: Matthew 6:9-13.

A lot possibly of us have memorized this and have prayed this prayer before but do we really know what every line of it means? Do we really understand what were praying or are we bordering in babbling words like what "pagans" do. Go over to her post here:
The Lord's Prayer Revisited where she explained each phrase in the Lord's Prayer in a wonderful and amazing way to make us understand what this prayer really is all about.

Today let us be warned and be reminded, that Prayer should ALWAYS be coming from our hearts and I'm talking not only about this particular prayer. I'm sure there are times that some of our Prayers have become "usual" that we can't help our tongues from saying phrases and words especially for those prayers before meals or even those prayers before we sleep. We are sometimes so used to these prayers that we can't help praying the same thing again and again. Imagine if you're talking to your wife or husband and you say the same thing again and again everyday! That must be so annoying and possibly irritating, right? In the same way, let's treasure every minute of our Prayer time with the Lord. Let's all be reminded that these are our EXCLUSIVE Talk Time with Him, our creator. Let's get rid of repetitive words and/or phrases instead let's focus on what our hearts really want to say to Him.

Here are some past posts about Prayer that I recommend for you to read:

TAWG: Time Alone With God

Answered Prayers: Shout All the More!

Prayers are Answered by God through faith

Pray the Prayer of Jabez

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