I was browsing through my Devotional Notebook and I read my devotional for 09/09/08 and once again I'm blessed with what God had spoken during that time. That's how amazing God's word is. It's not limited to that day or to that situation only. I encourage you to take notes of your devotions with the Lord and even during Worship Services. You'll never know when God can use those very words again in your life.
Today, I'd like to share my devotion on Joshua 1:8.
Joshua 1:8 (New International Version) "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
When everybody is running after and looking (desperately) for ways how to be successful and prosperous in life, I turn to the Word of God. His WORD has the answers. His Word has the Key. His Word is THE KEY.
1. "Do not let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth."
- May every word that comes out from our mouths glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. May it be a fountain of blessings and not curses, forgiveness and not hatred. May we never engage in godless conversation where the usual topic is to to talk about other people's lives. May it be an avenue instead for our mouths to be used to share the good news to other people.
- Aside from that, whatever we say also represents what we have inside our hearts. (Matt. 12:34). Let's all have hearts that follow and obey the Book of the Law no matter what. Let's all fill it with love, humility and let us take out anger, bitterness, jealousy and hatred.
2. "Meditate on it Day and Night"
- Close and Open your day with the Word of God. Let's all make it a pre-requisite. Let's all make it a part of our daily routine. This is the secret in living a righteous life and in not letting the Book of the Law depart from your mouth.
3. Lastly, "Do Everything Written On it"
- Actions. Deeds. They speak far more than words. As James, the brother of Jesus had said, "Let's show our faith with our deeds. Without it, our faith is not true and dead.
What's the point?
All three points are preceding verses of this statement:
"SOyou shall be prosperous and successful!" (Joshua 1:8)
Point: In reality, when you're honest, with integrity, honorable, excellent and God fearing, then success and prosperity will run after you.
When the world says it takes skills and brains to succeed, I say it takes the WORD of GOD (Wisdom) to work in our lives, and through our lives to succeed.