First of all, I would like to apologize for not having been able to post daily as I usually did and should have done as one of my commitments when I started this site. There were just a lot of things going on in my life these past few days. I have been moved to a new schedule, new management and a new team to handle in the office I am working. A lot of things to do to adjust and keep up. But as they say, change is good. Change is for the better.
I can remember what Paul wrote to the Corinthians:
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Cor. 5:17
This is the main and basic reason why we are called born again! We are not just restructured and repaired. No! We are starting all over again. God is removing the old one and putting in place a new one! It would seem we are being created again.
With that in mind, CHANGE will always be present in our lives. Change is something we should welcome! This change can vary from simple as change of habits and change of words to as complicated as changing your friends, lifestyle and even work! Yes I know people resigning from work because they already understood they're not glorifying God with it. Change sometimes really takes sacrifice and letting go.
That makes me realize, a Christian must wonder if he's still not seeing "changes" in his life because there MUST be. If we're not experiencing it yet, we need to seek more and open more doors for God to come in and work. Try asking yourself, what has changed in my life? How different are you right now compared to before?
God bless you today!